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SoftLayer Object Storage ·
Optimize your images with blazing speed using powerful API and online web interface
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SEO audit: Content analysis

Language Error! No language localisation is found.
Title SoftLayer Object Storage ·
Text / HTML ratio 46 %
Frame Excellent! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
Flash Excellent! The website does not have any flash contents.
Keywords cloud => true = container data URL SoftLayer sl_store API image optimized region Image cdn_url user key path wait lossy Kraken
Keywords consistency
Keyword Content Title Description Headings
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Images We found 0 images on this web page.

SEO Keywords (Single)

Keyword Occurrence Density
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Image 7 0.35 %
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SEO Keywords (Two Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density
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SEO Keywords (Three Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
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SEO Keywords (Four Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
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=> true lossy => 2 0.10 % No
wait => true lossy 2 0.10 % No
api_key yourapikey api_secret yourapisecret 2 0.10 % No

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SoftLayer Object Storage · Kraken.ioWeb InterfaceFeaturesPluginsAPI DocsSupportMy Account Pricing & SignupGet Started FREELog InSign UpAbout KrakenWeb InterfacePluginsFeaturesAPI DocsSupportKraken BlogAPI Reference and Developer DocumentationHide Table of ContentsShow Table of ContentsThe BasicsGetting StartedIntegration LibrariesUpload and Image URLWait and Callback URLImage ResizingGenerating Image SetsLossy OptimizationLossless OptimizationAPI SandboxHTTP Status CodesAdditional FeaturesPreserving MetadataAutomatic Image OrientationChroma SubsamplingCustom Image QualityImage Type ConversionWebP CompressionUser StatusExternal StorageAmazon S3Rackspace Cloud FilesMicrosoft AzureSoftLayer Object StorageIntegration ExamplesDirect UploadImage URLSoftLayer Object StorageKraken API allows you to store optimized images directly in your SoftLayer Object Storage. With just a few spare parameters your optimized images will be pushed to SoftLayer in no time.Mandatory Parameters:userYour SoftLayer Username.keyYour SoftLayer API Key.containerName of a destination container on your SoftLayer account.regionShort name of the region your container is located in. This can be one of the following:syd01 lon02 mon01 dal05 tok02tor01 hkg02 mex01 par01 fra02mil01 sjc01 sng01 mel01 ams01Optional Parameters:pathDestination path in your container (e.g. "images/layout/header.jpg"). Defaults to root "/".cdn_urlA boolean value (true or false) instructing Kraken API to return a public CDN URL of your optimized file. Defaults to false meaning the non-CDN URL will be returned.The whilom parameters must be passed in a sl_store object:{ "sl_store": { "user": "your-softlayer-account", "key": "your-softlayer-key", "container": "destination-container", "region": "your-container-location" } }Below you can find an example of a well-constructed JSON request that uses sl_store to push optimized image into your SoftLayer Object Storage container. We will use url option to feed the API with a URL of image to be optimized. The unelevated request uses example (fake) credentials - you will need to replace them with your real ones.{ "auth": { "api_key": "your-api-key", "api_secret": "your-api-secret" }, "sl_store": { "user": "SLOS299821-2:SL299821", "key": "2ccaaba70f2115de17f31744e1e09fef300c806f5b2b10ee2230129a62df0b7c", "container": "assets", "region": "fra02", "cdn_url": true, "path": "images/layout/header.png" }, "url": "", "wait": true, "lossy": true }<?php require_once("Kraken.php"); $kraken = new Kraken("your-api-key", "your-api-secret"); $params = array( "url" => "", "wait" => true, "lossy" => true, "sl_store" => array( "user" => "SLOS299821-2:SL299821", "key" => "2ccaaba70f2115de17f31744e1e09fef300c806f5b2b10ee2230129a62df0b7c", "container" => "assets", "region" => "fra02", "cdn_url" => true, "path" => "images/layout/header.png" ) ); $data = $kraken->url($params); if ($data["success"]) { reverberate "Success. Optimized image URL: " . $data["kraked_url"]; } else { reverberate "Fail. Error message: " . $data["message"]; }var Kraken = require("kraken"); var kraken = new Kraken({ "api_key": "your-api-key", "api_secret": "your-api-secret" }); var params = { "url": "", "wait": true, "lossy": true, "sl_store": { "user": "SLOS299821-2:SL299821", "key": "2ccaaba70f2115de17f31744e1e09fef300c806f5b2b10ee2230129a62df0b7c", "container": "assets", "region": "fra02", "cdn_url": true, "path": "images/layout/header.png" } }; kraken.url(params, function(status) { if (status.success) { console.log("Success. Optimized image URL: %s", status.kraked_url); } else { console.log("Fail. Error message: %s", status.message); } });require 'rubygems' require 'kraken-io' kraken = :api_key => 'your-api-key', :api_secret => 'your-api-secret' ) params = { :wait => true, :lossy => true, :sl_store => { 'user' => 'SLOS299821-2:SL299821', 'key' => '2ccaaba70f2115de17f31744e1e09fef300c806f5b2b10ee2230129a62df0b7c', 'container' => 'assets', 'region' => 'fra02', 'cdn_url' => true, 'path' => 'images/layout/header.png' } } data = kraken.url('', params) if data.success puts 'Success! Optimized image URL: ' + data.kraked_url else puts 'Fail. Error message: ' + data.message endpackage main import ( "log" "" ) func main() { kr, err := kraken.New("your-api-key", "your-api-secret") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } params := map[string]interface {} { "wait": true, "lossy": true, "url": "", "sl_store": map[string]interface {} { "user": "SLOS299821-2:SL299821", "key": "2ccaaba70f2115de17f31744e1e09fef300c806f5b2b10ee2230129a62df0b7c", "container": "assets", "region": "fra02", "cdn_url": true, "path": "images/layout/header.png" } } data, err := kr.URL(params) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if data["success"] != true { log.Println("Failed, error message ", data["message"]) } else { log.Println("Success, Optimized image URL: ", data["kraked_url"]) } }from krakenio import Client api = Client('your-api-key', 'your-api-secret') data = { 'wait': True, 'lossy': True, 'sl_store': { 'user': 'SLOS299821-2:SL299821', 'key': '2ccaaba70f2115de17f31744e1e09fef300c806f5b2b10ee2230129a62df0b7c', 'container': 'assets', 'region': 'fra02', 'cdn_url': True, 'path': 'images/layout/header.jpg' } } result = api.url('', data); if result.get('success'): print result.get('kraked_url') else: print result.get('message')If your SoftLayer container is CDN-enabled and you've passed "cdn_url": true parameter in your JSON request the optimization results will contain kraked_url which points directly to the optimized file location in your SoftLayer CDN, for example: your container is not CDN-enabled kraked_url will point to the optimized image URL in the Kraken API: & SignupFree Web InterfaceSystem StatusCompanyAbout Kraken.ioMedia KitTechnologyContact UsResourcesAPI DocumentationSupport CenterWordPress PluginMagento ModuleConnectBlogTwitterGitHubYouTubeCopyright © 2013 — 2018 Nekkra UGImpressum | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy